Specialist in totaaloplossingen voor de voedingsindustrie - Brilliantgroup.nl


The vulnerable food industry production proces food companies people world

Specialist in totaaloplossingen voor de voedingsindustrie - Brilliantgroup.nl
Specialist in totaaloplossingen voor de voedingsindustrie - Brilliantgroup.nl

The hygiene specialist in the food industry

Welcome to our Brilliant world. We are committed to protecting the food processing industry. We protect all vulnerable production companies, their processes and the people within. All so you can operate with certainty and in the knowledge that your company meets the standards of (food) safety and hygiene. As a result, your production is safe, the consumer is safe and your corporate image is safe. As for ourselves as a company we try to protect current and future generations by pursuing sustainability in our business operations.

De hygiënespecialist voor de voedingsindustrie - Brilliantgroup.nl

How Brilliant protects

With our expertise we contribute to protecting vulnerable processes, companies and people.

Brilliant Brains kennispartner voor de voedingsindustrie - Brillaintbrains.nl

”We approach every challenge with our unique and comprehensive solution.”

Our fields of expertise

We operate form our three areas of expertise. Within an throughout these tree areas, we offer customized solutions that in most cases combine all specializations for your unique hygiene and (food) safety challenges.

Expertisegebied persoonlijke hygiëne - Brilliantgroup.nl


Personal hygiene & protection

Optimal hygiene and protection for the vulnerable person in and around the production process.
Expertisegebied bescherming van uw productiebedrijf - Brilliantgroup.nl


Protect your production company

Professional hygiene and safety solutions within your production facility results in optimal organization of your processes and ensures food safety.
Expertisegebied bescherming van uw productieprocessen - Brilliantgroup.nl


Food Safety = priority

Total Hygiëne Management, for optimal hygiene and a food safe production environment.

”By focusing on our three areas of expertise, we can help our clients optimize safety, efficiency and quality at every stage of the food processing process”

For knowledge and expertise

With the help of Brilliant Brains, your team will get’s the right knowledge on to work hygienically and to ensure optimal (food) safety. As a result, you can achieve operational efficiency and productive growth. From identifying bottlenecks to implementing effective strategies; with Brilliant Brains your team will receive the necessary (online) training and tools. 

Investeer in voedselveiligheid voor tevreden klanten - Brilliantbrains.nl

”Investing in food safety results in satisfied employees and customers.”


Brains Expertise & Innovatiecenter

Together we continue to improve

Samen continu verbeteren - Brilliantgroup.nl

What was once a rough stone becomes a beautiful brilliant.

As a unique, innovative company, Brilliant polishes away all bumps and contaminants from production and cleaning processes.

Slogan: Dat is toch Brilliant oranje

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